Cameron usually goes to pre-school Mon., Wed., & Fri. This week he only had to go to school Monday due to the teachers getting further education. I am all for them getting their extra education, but then I have to come up with some other fun for him to do during his normal school time. Well, today wasn't that difficult because Grandma Jacki pulled out the Christmas catalogs for various toy and department stores in the area at Sunday evening dinner, which caused a big rucuss in the Santa Department.
Cameron started looking thru the catalogs and explained to us that he wanted several of the items. We told him that he would need to write a "Dear Santa," letter. He was willing to do that right off the bat. We told him that he would need to practice writing "Dear Santa" several times in order to make his letter. He did a wonderful job!!!! He wanted to make sure that he was in the picture of his "Dear Santa's".
After he completed his writing, he asked me if he could go and put it in the mailbox. How cute is that?! I told him that this was so he could practice and we will write the real letter probably on Friday.
Someone told me the other day, to take the toy catalogs and have him cut the pictures out of what he likes and glue them to his letter. I think I am going to put that to great use.