This is a picture from the docks at Dover Bay, overlooking the Pend Orielle River. Taken in February, 2008.
For all of you who were in the Sandpoint area for our record snowfall last year, well, Iiittt's Baaaack!!!!!:( I think we still had snow technically until Memorial Day Weekend on the valley floor. I don't quite want it yet.
We still have pictures from April, of the boys sitting near the huge snow mound left in the front yard from shoveling the roof (4 times). Don't get me wrong, if I did not like snow I would not live here, but we did not have a long enough summer.
O.K., so yeah I am whining, but it's way too early. Now I know that it is November, and technically it does start snowing in November, and yes, we had an absolutely wonderful October, but yeah, I don't want it yet.
I am including pictures from last years snow, just so those of you out there who don't have enough snow any time of year can remember what it looks like. Enjoy!!!!!
This is a picture of our resident moose (she is in the alley in our neighbor's yard). She spent alot of time walking thru our neighborhood, she even decided to eat our young japanese maple, but they did not have much to eat. I don't remember the exact number, but the Idaho Transportation Dept. said there were aproximately 140 moose killed on hwy 95 between Sagle and Bonners Ferry, way too many!!!
This is looking at our house from across the street, this was the end of February.
This is Dean standing on top of our house after shoveling it for the umpteenth time.(I know it is not a great picture, but you get the gist of it. My camera does not do well in low light, I need another one.)
And, Dean after jumping off of the roof into the snow pile.
I can tell you are not ready for winter yet! We are finally into the best part of the year for us, but we all still miss fall leaves and the first snowfall. Love the pictures!