Thursday, January 29, 2009

Words of Wisdom---Wisdom that I need everyday

I have to thank Kendra for her words of wisdom passed on by her experience as a stay-at-home mom. I have looked at this site a couple of times and have taken some info from them to make my day a little bit easier. Now it is an everyday e-mail and personal quest of mine. Here is a letter that I recieved in my e-mail from Kelly with the FLYladies (FLY stands for Finally Loving Yourself for those of you who don't know).
Here it is:

"Dear Friends:

Recently I was having a conversation with a very dear friend about need versus having enough. How many times do you hear yourself say I need this and I need that? When is it enough for you?

This is not just about the tangible things in our lives either, it is about our homes, money and our relationships with others. How will you know when you have enough? Having enough does not mean being full and it does not mean that you are settling for something. It means being able to recognize that you truly do have enough.

Knowing that you have enough does not mean that things aren't hard. Life can bring difficult moments and times, but being able to know that in the end you do have enough is a very powerful thing.

When you are constantly worried about having a bigger house, a better car, being able to go out to dinner more, taking better vacations, needing this or needing that, you are never going to feel fulfilled, you are always going to be left feeling empty.

There are times and situations that get us thinking we NEED things, or feeling like we need to buy things to fill us up or make us happy that we find ourselves in debt. Not just financial debt, but emotional debt. The guilt and shame of overspending on things that we think we need but in reality we are trying to make ourselves feel full. In addition when we are buying things to fill ourselves, we are usually buying the very things that we toss out in 27 flings or the Super Fling Boogie.

It has taken years for me to figure out that I have enough. What I have in my life is plenty. This does not mean that I would not like to have some "things" but it means that I can view them as things that I would like to have NOT "need". I have enough. I am willing to bet that most of you have enough as well, you just haven't learned to view it this way. Instead of constantly feeling as though you NEED, remind yourself that you have enough. When you start to hear yourself using the the words "I need..." take a moment to see if you can say "I have enough" Save the "I need...." for the things you REALLY need. Transfer "I Need" to "I would like to have". Treats become treats and not something that you are trying to use to fill up when you are feeling empty.

Give yourself the opportunity to let go of all things that are weighing you down and keeping you from seeing all that you have. We surround ourselves with all the things that we thought we needed and now are just embarrassed and overwhelmed by the stuff that is just taking over our lives. Use this Super Fling Boogie to give yourself a break from the guilt of holding onto things that you used to define yourself or hide behind. You will be amazed at how free and full you will feel by blessing others with your excess and getting the clutter that is not worth having out of your homes. You can do this - we believe in you and know that you are worth the work. Those BabySteps will have you FLYing and soaring above the clouds!

Part of Finally Loving Yourself is knowing that you truly do have enough. Are you ready to FLY?


Boy what can I say, how many of us live/work/think this way. I have to love and Kendra for bringing it to my attention again.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Finally out of my funk

Yeah, even though it was 3 degrees this morning when Dean left for work, I am finally out of this funk that I have been in.

Let me see the funk includes:

1. Being sick for almost 3 months straight. (It actually started as an upper chest cold, got better for 3 days, then went into this sinus thing for 3 1/2 weeks) Not fun!!!

2. Holidays: Actually I really like the holidays, but this year it was a little off. I haven't even got my Christmas cards out ( They have become the "Welcome to 2009, Happy Inauguration, and Happy Valentines Day Card") how pathetic, but I guess this is a lesson for next year.

3. Daylight: What can I say, daylight is a great thing for the soul, it has become lighter much later in the day now. Last night we noticed it was light after 5:00 P.M., what a difference that makes when we were having daylight only until 3:30PM or so. Just makes a person feel good.

4. Diet: O.K., so the only person to blame on this one is myself (oh, and all those people who made oh, so yummy holiday treats). All right I'll blame myself, it is will power after all. Not what everyone else puts right in front of your face.

5. Unorganization: This is a long one. We have so much stuff, but no place to put it, until now. I have to thank my husband on this one. He took vacation 2 weeks ago and we decided to tackle it head on and we are living much happier these days. We could not take the clutter anymore. For all of you who have been to our house we have got a long hallway which includes our laundry/mud room from out of the garage. It was becoming a cluttered catch all with NO organization what-so-ever. We decided to change that with closet-maid shelves, a new cabinet base and counter top. We now have a huge area to fold laundry (hang it too, while folding), and put all of that stuff that did not belong in the bedrooms/kitchen/bathrooms/hallway floor, or garage where you cannot find it. We also put up 8 shelves throughout the house. 3 in our bedroom above the computer desk, 2 above the comode in the bathroom, and 3 in the living room/front entry way.

6. Weather: I know I always end-up talking about the weather(which always starts or finishes a conversation when you have nothing else to talk about), but really it was a factor, just look at my other blogs.

O.K., so I think I have reached all of my points for my "funk", but have I found a solution for each of them?
I think I have:
1. No longer sick ( O.K. a little bit of a cough a couple of times a day, but not like it was, not even close)
2. The holidays are over. Yes, I need to get the cards out and get the Christmas gifts I have not gotten to everyone, but everyone is very understanding and if not well, I guess they will never understand.
3. I explained the daylight thing. Anyone who has lived near the 48th latitude understands completely.
4. I started my more healthy diet 3 days ago and have lost 3 pounds. I also have not had these spikes and drops, which come along with a very unhealthy diet. (I do need to work on the working out part, but baby steps, I will get there).
5. Organization (and getting rid of stuff) is a healthy thing for anyone. We still are not completely done with our de-cluttering, but working on it everyday which makes me feel good. 6. O.K., weather is one thing I obviously have no control over, but it has improved in the sense that we can at least get around much better now even if it is buck @$$ cold out there.
Oh, well you can't have everything.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Got Moose?!!!

Well we think that the neighborhood moose from last year is back. Maybe it's not the same one, but I would like to think that it is. She has a little (and that is relative) one with her, maybe a two year old, how cool is that. A friend of mine from down the street left me a text message saying there was a moose in the neighbors yard and she had a picture to prove it. I went outside at the time to see if I could see it and right then Fish and Game came driving through. I looked around but did not see anything, so I started walking toward the house and in our neighbors front yard, under the Hawthorne tree, was a moose eating all of the greenery around. I went in to let the boys know and came back out with the camera(and the boys of course). I snapped a picture and next thing you know I look down the street and a bigger moose is walking down the sidewalk. It was awesome watching them, they have hung out in Dean's parents yard also. They have left dropping there to prove it. By the way this was two days ago.
So today I look out the front window and there is a moose eating the neighbors tree (snap, snap again). I called Dean to let him know that the moose was in the neighborhood again, and as I said that I notice what looked like tracks in the front yard between the house and the crabapple tree, now that is close and I wish I would have seen it then. How exciting, gotta love it in Northern Idaho.